Thursday Night Recap
Well, it looks like Bobby Bowden allowed his understudy to whip up on his Seminoles once again, potentially saving Chuck Amato's job. I think most college fans knew that both FSU and Miami were down after the first few weeks of the season, but these two programs are more than down. They are not good by any measure. I understand FSU pulled their season together late last year, but Papa Bowden just seems lost and confused to me out on the field. What a night for Wolfpack QB Daniel Evans (he just turned 21, yet he barely looks 15) who once got settled in during the 2nd quarter looked mighty sharp. I did get rather sick hearing about his old man, Johnny, and watching his old man every time Daniel did something good. Apparently, he is the extinguisher that Chuck needed to put out the flames under his seat. Freshman receiver Geron James played like a complete stud. During the broadcast, Herbstreit and Fowler talked about the strength of NC State's two running backs, Andre Brown and Tony Baker, and how they are the strongest players pound-for-pound on the team. Anyone have a clue what Amato bench presses with that swollen chest of his? I do miss the Oakleys look though.

Switching to a game that I'm guessing not many folks reading this site watched - the Utah - TCU game. The only reason I flipped it on was to find out what the VS. Network is and then I realized it's the new version of OLN. I can't get into Mountain West games, but I must say that the two television announcers were quite good which is very refreshing given the crap that we have to listen to most of the time via ESPN and ABC. The announcers made the game that I could care less about, fun and enjoyable to watch. I still can't find out who the announcers were though.
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