
Well, we have a little good news/bad news for this Saturday evening. Several months back, I learned that Bonnie Raitt and Keb' Mo' were performing at the Greek Theatre on September 9th. I don't listen to Bonnie too much (though I hear her shows are great), but I am a huge Keb' Mo' fan. Anyhow, a friend of ours works with Capital Records and more directly with Bonnie Raitt. My wife mentioned something about the show to her and low and behold, I just received 4 unbelievable tickets to the sold-out show. I am extremely excited about the show; however, there just happens to be a small little college football game tomorrow night.
Yes, I might be committing college football fanatic suicide, but I am going to the concert. Our friend was too nice to hook us up with tickets that we asked for and Keb' Mo' live will be awesome. I will also not be taking my phone, because I would then be pre-occupied with checking updates every 5 minutes.
Dude, good choice!
You're not kidding. An unbelivable show. Don't know if you have seen the two or if they are going to be in your neck of the woods, but well worth the price of admission.
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